About Us

About Us

Reell company 2024 Reell company 2024

50 Years of Exceptional Products, Outstanding Service, and a Balanced Work-Life Culture

When they established Reell in 1970, Reell’s founders wanted to build a company that viewed success as more than return on investment. They wanted to provide exceptional products and services to customers while creating a work environment that fostered a balanced life for its co-workers. 

They named the company “Reell” (ray-EL’); a German word meaning honest, trustworthy and good, to reflect these values. 

Today we strive to fulfill the promise of these words in our products, services and our relationships with customers, shareholders, co-workers, suppliers and the community.


Honest, trustworthy and good

From the beginning, Reell's three Founders discussed how to shape and build a company based on ethical values and principles.  

They accepted the importance of strong financial performance, but not at the expense of employees’ health and families.  They envisioned a company in which all coworkers could perform valuable and creative work in an environment that supported their physical, emotional and spiritual health. 

They built Reell's success by placing a high priority on understanding and serving the needs of coworkers, customers, suppliers and the community.

Locations Worldwide

Years of Expertise


Shari Erdman Shari Erdman
Shari Erdman

Chief Executive Officer

Dane Anderson Dane Anderson
Dane Anderson

Chief Financial Officer

Andrina Weis Andrina Weis
Andrina Weis

Vice President of Global Coworker Services

Shannon Gronemeyer Shannon Gronemeyer
Shannon Gronemeyer

Vice President of Global Sales and Customer Service

Brian Johnson Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson

Chief Operating Officer

The team from The World Greatest television program visit Reell for an update on their story from 2013.